Our history includes six decades of driven exploration and groundbreaking contributions to improving human health. PNRI maintains our founder Bill Hutchinson’s original vision: investigators fearlessly pursuing innovative scientific discoveries.

Today, after six decades of groundbreaking research, we remain rooted in our mission to discover answers to the most pressing questions in science and medicine.
The quest to unravel the mysteries of the human genome to discover new ways to diagnose and treat disease is infinite. PNRI is prepared to continue this quest for many more decades in the future. The generosity of our previous legacy donors has skyrocketed our ability to pursue daring science.
By including PNRI in your estate, you are safeguarding scientific research for generations to come. Charitable gifts can achieve multiple benefits–to you, your heirs, and PNRI. Our Institute is poised to accept all types of legacy gifts.
If you have already named PNRI as a beneficiary in your estate plans, please let us know so that we can properly honor your intentions.
Contact the Development Team via our contact form or call (206) 726-1233 with any questions you may have about giving to PNRI. We appreciate your support.