Researchers Studying Cancer in Wildlife Grapple With Why Some Get the Disease While Others Don’t
Voice of America reporter Deborah Block showcases what PNRI’s Metzger Lab is discovering about a virus-like cancer affecting some of nature’s smallest creatures – shellfish.
Metzger Lab

Researchers Rush to Find Cause of Contagious Cancer in PNW Clams
The Seattle Times features the Metzger Lab’s research on the contagious cancer spreading among Pacific Northwest cockles.
Metzger Lab

With Type 1 Diabetes Delay Possible, Focus Now on Screening
PNRI’s Dr. William Hagopian weighs in on how genetic risk scores taken at birth help identify those most at risk of developing type 1 diabetes.
Hagopian Lab

Viral Gene Protects Embryos from Infections
PNRI’s Dr. Rick McLaughlin comments on how a “domesticated” viral gene incorporated into the genome of mammals millions of years ago helps protect human embryos from infections.
McLaughlin Lab

Is your stress level genetic? Local study examines the role played by DNA
Dr. Lisa Stubbs discusses the connection between genetics and chronic stress.
Stubbs Lab

Contagious cancer travels hundreds of miles, infecting multiple clam species
PNRI’s Dr. Michael Metzger shares how genomic sequencing has heed identify transmissible cancer found in marine bivalves such as clams.
Metzger Lab

PNRI’s Dr. Lisa Stubbs discusses genetic stress responses of the brain (Part 3)
PNRI’s Dr. Lisa Stubbs discusses genetic stress responses of the brain.
Stubbs Lab

PNRI’s Dr. Lisa Stubbs discusses genetic stress responses of the brain (Part 2)
PNRI’s Dr. Lisa Stubbs discusses genetic stress responses of the brain.
Stubbs Lab

PNRI’s Dr. Lisa Stubbs discusses genetic stress responses of the brain (Part 1)
PNRI’s Dr. Lisa Stubbs discusses genetic stress responses of the brain.
Stubbs Lab

Easter Wrap: A Chocolate (story) feast
Cosmos Magazine highlights a Dudley Lab study published in Current Biology that investigates the diverse genetics of the yeast that helps ferment cacao and coffee beans. Different types of yeast can be geographically based, and humans have played a big part in this diversification.
Dudley Lab