“It’s bittersweet to learn of Dr. Dudley’s research. I’m excited for the families who will gain swift genetic diagnoses because of her technology, but I do wish I had had this twenty years ago when my daughter was diagnosed. There’s so much pain that could’ve been avoided. I know that Dr. Dudley’s research will change lives.”

Tresa Warner
President, NUCDF

Donate Today to Support the Dudley Lab’s Groundbreaking Research!

A new genetic screening tool developed by the Dudley Lab is revolutionizing the speed and accuracy with which physicians can diagnose urea cycle disorders in infants. These inherited metabolic diseases cause toxic levels of ammonia to build up in the body, potentially leading to severe debilitation or even death if not detected immediately after birth.

Dr. Aimée Dudley and her lab members have made faster diagnosis possible with a unique tool that classifies genetic variations to give physicians a reliable reference for which variations are harmless, and which cause disease. This is an incredible breakthrough that is saving the lives of affected newborns. 

Tresa Warner is the President of the National Urea Cycle Disorders Foundation (NUCDF) and the parent of a child with a urea cycle disorder. She recently toured the Dudley Lab and met with the researchers that developed this cutting-edge technology.

Now that the Dudley Lab’s technology has been proven to provide the precise information necessary to diagnose and treat infants at risk of a urea cycle disorder, there is a growing sense of urgency to further develop its use for infants who are vulnerable to myriad other inherited metabolic diseases.

The only barrier to saving the lives of these children is the funding to scale the technology to apply to other diseases. Dr. Dudley knows it is possible. She and her team are ready to adapt their discovery to classify genetic variations that cause a host of other metabolic disorders, and expand the reach of this lifesaving innovation. All that’s needed is the financial resources to make it happen.

Funding this technology is an amazing opportunity to have a direct impact on the lives of children and families when they need it most. We invite you donate today and play a vital role in ensuring that the Dudley Lab’s most promising discoveries and technologies reach patients at their most critical times.

Thank you for powering our groundbreaking genetic research.