Aimée M. Dudley, PhD

Senior Investigator and Interim Chief Scientific Officer

Lab Focus


Technology Development

Rare Disease Research


Aimée Dudley, PhD

Aimée Dudley, PhD, is a Senior Investigator and Interim Chief Scientific Officer at PNRI. She earned her BS in biochemistry and molecular biology from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and her PhD in genetics from Harvard Medical School. Dr. Dudley was an Alexander Hollaender Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow in Dr. George Church’s laboratory at Harvard Medical School. In addition to her roles at PNRI, Dr. Dudley is a scientific advisor to FenoLogica Biosciences, a scientific instrumentation company founded on technology developed in her lab. She serves as an an Editor-in-Chief  at PLoS Genetics. Dr. Dudley also co-chairs the Washington Research Foundation’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Selection Committee. In her previous role as PNRI’s Director of Educational Outreach, she partnered with community groups to bring high school and undergraduate students from underrepresented communities to PNRI to explore science as a career. She also mentors graduate students through her affiliate appointment in the University of Washington’s Department of Genome Sciences, and as a faculty member in the Molecular Engineering Graduate Program and the Molecular and Cellular Biology Graduate Program.

Dudley Lab Overview

PNRI’s Dudley Lab explores how naturally occurring genetic variation leads to the stunning array of phenotypic diversity on the planet. This team uses genetics, genomics, leading edge technologies, and the awesome power of yeast genetics to address a wide array of biological problems. 

The Dudley Lab’s creative, multidisciplinary, and collaborative approaches have allowed them to decipher fundamental principles in genetics, explore global microbial population structures, and interrogate cellular processes associated with fungal pathogenesis. The lab’s current research interests include improving methods for genetic mapping, using high throughput assays to assess the functional impact of variation in the human genome, and circumventing antifungal drug resistance.

Dudley Lab in the News

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